One Little of Tears..

ha pernah dengar tak pasal cerita ni of course bg siapa-siapa yg minat korea& japanese drama tu dah pernah tonton kan cerita ni cuma aku aje yg terlambat tengok cerita yg superb macam ni.Well hari ni bukan aku nak cerita pasal siapa lambat siapa cepat tengok cerita ni just want to share some of interesting input that i got through this story.
Firstly aku nk cakap yg aku tangkap leleh habis tengok cerita ni even sampai ke lirik lagu dia pun aku touching habis so jom kita layan dia punya lagu & lirik..

One little of Tears lyrics:

On the other shore of sadness
It is said that there is a smile
Finally we arrived
But what are we waiting for?
The purpose is not to run away
Its to chase after dreams
We should have gone out to travel
On that summer day so long ago
Even tomorrow, if you can see it
Through there isn't a sight either
Like a ship going to against the current flow
Right now, go forward, move ahead
Even if it cuts through the rain & clouds 
The wet roads shine
Only the dark will teach
A stronger and stronger light
Be strong, go forward, move ahead.

cerita ni mengisahkan seorang remaja perempuan AYA berumur 15 tahun yg menghidap spinocerebellar degeneration diesease iaitu spinal cord yg mengalami kegagalan utk berfungsi..pesakit tidak akan mampu berjalan,berlari, ataupun bercakap dengan betul secara berperingkat. Aya seorang yg sangat kuat & tabah walaupun dia tahu yg satu persatu anggota badannya akan mengalami kegagalan utk berfungsi. Demi kelurga & kawan-kawan yg selalu menyokong dia, dia cuba lakukan yg terbaik.

Aya's said: My life is like a flower that hasn't bloomed yet, from the start of this youth i want to treasure it and have no regret.

last but not least,
some Quote from this story that had gave me a deep memories about this drama were:

Next time when you see your love one, 
tell them how special there are,
Next time when you see your friend 
thank them for always being there for you.

Life is what you can make it of.
Treasure it as long as you can. 

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